Sunday, 7 June 2009

Things i'll never say

i get sick of having to turn on the tv and keep watching the same trash they feed us on tv these days.

And over here moreover, the maincourses comes in more than 5 viewing times a day of : infotainment. Every juicy celebrity gossip you never need to know about the life and times of the Indoensia celebrities.

Among the biggest news: Manohara

Get a clue?

i have to live here, study here and treat people here when they judge me and my country based on a woman's supposed mistreatment by her husband.

She has my pity if any of it is true, but going to the media?

It's bad enough we students get asked questions about the abuse of I.maids in Malaysia, now about the royal family as well?

don't even get me started on the Ambalat issue.

Nobody is perfect.
"To err is human" after all.

1 thoughts:

didi harun said...

Nicely said Dee. I know how u feel...