Tuesday 9 September 2008

Sahur Sahur!

its 3.10 am and i am having trouble sleeping. NOT that I've had too much sleep.In truth I've only slept for a maximum of 5 hours yesterday, and 3 hours the day before. Jet lagged? Now that's pushing it too far. hehe.

Trying insanely hard to put up photos of my Grad day for my sis to see. And old KKN shots that i took and really desperately want to share with the world; but failing miserably.

So here i am, blog hopping to see if anyone has updated in the last month. Got tired of my old template, so decided to change it as well. Still don't feel like this is me. But this shall have to do for a while.

I just realized that over here in Malaysia nobody cares if you get up for sahur or not. In Makassar, we get woken up as early as 2.30 a.m by the calls from the mosque and a few assigned teens that walks through the housing areas banging on gates and glass bottles to wake the residents up.

Calls of "sahur, sahur," in different melodic verses can be heard and shall only cease when you get up and turn on the bloody living room lights for all the other dwellers to see.

Funnily enough, i find it refreshing.

Happy sahur everyone. It is another day down ;)

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